Card Catalog

Library Policies

Policies of the Henry County Library updated May 2024

Material Selection/Collection DevelopmentThe purpose of the Materials Selection/Collection Development Policy is to guide library staff and to inform the public of the principles upon which selections are made and managed.  Library materials are selected to support the mission of the library.  The mission of the Henry County Library is to enrich lives, promote knowledge, and provide recreation.

All libraries stand strongly for the freedom of thought, the freedom of intellectual activity, and the freedom of communication. Therefore, libraries must select materials with the view to present all sides of an issue, not just one particular opinion. The Henry County Library adheres to best practices as endorsed by the Library Bill of Rights, Intellectual Freedom, the Freedom to Read Statement, and the Freedom to View Statement. These documents may be accessed on the American Library Association website at

This policy defines the scope and nature of our existing collection, and the plans for continuing development of resources as they relate to library goals, general selection criteria, and the rights of the library users to receive information.

“Library collections” includes all resources in all formats acquired for use by the public, including resources obtained through the library’s membership in selected consortia or contracts with other libraries.

1.    Responsibility for Resources Selection and Collection Development.  The Board of Trustees delegates administrative authority for the selection of resources and the development of library collections to the Director, operating within the framework of policies determined by the board. The Director has the authority to approve or disapprove any selection decision.

2.    Core Priorities for Collection Development.

A.   To meet the diverse information needs, interests, and demands of the library community.

B.    To encourage individual self-directed lifelong learning for personal growth, enjoyment, and career development.

C.   To promote early literacy skills and the power of information.

3.    General Criteria for Selection.

A.   Appeal to the educational, informational, cultural, or recreational interests and needs of the community.

B.    Favorable reviews from professional and reputable resources.

C.   Subject, style, and reading level are age-appropriate for the intended audience.

D.   Timeliness or permanent value.

E.    Quality of writing, design, illustration, and production based on professional standards.

F.    Diversity of sources:  independent or new publishers, as well as long-established publishers.

G.  Expressed or anticipated popular demand.

H.   Alternative or diverse voices and viewpoints.

I.      Local or community relevance.

J.    Price, effectiveness, and suitability of format, durability, and ease of use.

K.    Availability of information in a subject area.

L.    Replacement of lost, worn, or outdated materials.

M.  Budgetary considerations.

N.   Accuracy or authenticity of materials.

O.  Inclusion of materials in a special bibliography or index.

P.    Format suitable for inclusion in our public library collection. In considering which materials to place in the library, we will not automatically include or exclude an item based on any of the following criteria: race, religion, nationality, ethnicity, gender, social, or political views; frankness or coarseness of language; controversial or objectionable nature of an item; endorsement or disapproval of an item by any individual or organization in the community. We judge materials based on the overall content or style, not by isolated or random portions.

Q.  Space constraints and the ability to house materials.

R.    Publication date of materials.

S.    Availability of materials.

4.    Use of Selection Aids.  To select library materials, the staff makes use of selection aids such as reviews, basic general lists, current general lists, bibliographies, and professional book review journals.

5.    The Collection.

A.   Adult Collection. This collection is recommended for mature readers, ages 18+.  Adult fiction is selected for its appeal to members of the community and its quality as literature. The library attempts to provide a wide selection of standard fiction titles as defined in recognized bibliographies, as well as the best current titles. Non-fiction items are selected in an attempt to educate and inform readers, some of these titles are also appropriate for younger readers, in particular, young adults doing research for a school project. Items of lasting interest are preferred, but it is recognized that titles of current interest are also appropriate purchases.

B.    Youth Collection. Youth materials are selected to include the best available titles of fiction and non-fiction for ages birth through young adults. Titles are chosen that may enhance the intellectual, cultural, social, and ethical development and growth of individuals. Such a collection should provide a background for the development of critical reading and thinking, in addition to recreational reading.

There may be some variation in the age appropriateness of each collection.  Patrons are not limited by these age recommendations. All patrons are welcome to check out any materials in our collection. The responsibility for materials used by a minor rests completely with their parents or legal guardians. Separate collections are available for children and young adults, but it is not the responsibility of the library staff, its Board of Trustees, or volunteers to determine which collection they should use or what item in the collection is suitable for an individual.

I.        Easy (E) Collection – This collection is recommended for ages birth to 7.

II.        Juvenile (J) Collection – This collection is recommended for readers ages 8 – 12.

III.        Young Adult (YA) Collection – This collection is recommended for young adults ages 13-17.

6.    Electronic Database Collection. This collection is a diverse selection of reference and circulating materials that are accessed electronically and is developed with the same criteria as print materials. In some cases, because of inclusion in consortia agreements for electronic resources, local control of selection is not an option.

7.    Media Collection. The goal of this collection is to provide instructional, educational, and recreational audio-visual material that will enhance the existing fiction and non-fiction collections. The library recognizes that patrons desire information and popular materials in various forms. Purchases in this collection are in the form of audiobooks on CD, Playaway devices, movies, television shows, and various non-fiction works on DVD.

8.    Periodical Collection. This collection consists of magazines and newspapers providing a broad rand of general interest subject areas.

9.    Reference Collection. The historical and genealogy collection is intended to preserve materials of importance to our library community and surrounding areas including Henry County, mid-Missouri, and when useful, the entire state of Missouri. The materials themselves and/or the subject areas they represent have permanent value to the community and are made available to the general public for research on local, genealogical, and historical issues.

10. Gifts, Donations, and Memorials. The policies which apply to the selection of purchasing materials also apply to materials that are donated or given to the library.  Once an item has been given to the library, the Director shall determine whether it will be added to the collection, sold at the Friends of the Library Group book sale, or discarded. Items not added to the collection may be donated to local organizations. Items added to the collection become the property of the library and are subject to the same standards as any other library material. The library will accept financial donations to buy materials following the same guidelines used in any other selection decision. Memorials may be accepted through the Henry County Library.

11. Suggestions for Purchase. Patron suggestion requests are accepted and will follow the same guidelines as any other material purchased by the library. The submission of a request does not guarantee it will be purchased. If a work is not selected for purchase, patrons are encouraged to utilize Interlibrary Loan (ILL) for requested materials.

12. Requests for Reconsideration. Only requests from residents of Henry County, parents or legal guardians of minors who reside in Henry County, or Out of District library cardholders will be considered. The Henry County Library selects and acquires a wide variety of materials and programming for access by library patrons. The Henry County Library seeks to provide information on all sides of every issue, including controversial issues. The Henry County Library values the opinions of its patrons. If a patron objects to a library material, a display, or a program/event, he/she may complete a Request for Reconsideration form, outlining concerns as concisely as possible. If the Request for Reconsideration is regarding library material, the item must have been read, reviewed, or listened to in full by the requestor; regarding a display, the display must have been viewed by the requestor; regarding a program/event, the program/event must have been attended by the requestor. The Director will review the information and respond to the inquiry. If a patron is dissatisfied with the Director’s response, he/she may appeal in writing to the Board of Trustees. A requestor may not submit a future reconsideration on the same item for a minimum of three (3) years.

Materials WeedingThe library collection shall be maintained and controlled by the deletion of all materials which are no longer of value. This shall be determined by a specific set of guidelines, which are as follows:

A. The material has been circulated less than three (3) times in the past five (5) years or less than one (1) time in the past three (3) years.

B. The material is not listed in a reputable selection tool.

C. The material is not of local, social, or historical value.

D. The information contained in the material is no longer accurate or timely.

E. The condition of the material is not attractive and/or beyond repair.

Items that have been withdrawn from the collection and are in good condition will be available for purchase at Friends of the Library Group book sales.

Friends of the Library Community RoomThe policy for the Friends of the Library Community Room is as follows:

A. Library sponsored activities are given priority in scheduling the use of the room.

B. The Friends of the Library Community Room is available by reservation only to persons aged 18 or older. Reservations may be made via phone or in person at the Circulation Desk.

C. If the library is closed for holidays, inclement weather, repairs, etc., the room will not be available.

D. Capacity for the room is 50. It is against the fire code to have more than 50 attendants.

E. Children’s groups may use the room provided they are supervised by at least one (1) adult for every ten (10) children.

F. The Friends of the Library Community Room is available on a first-come, first-serve basis and is not available for consecutive scheduling.

G. Individuals or organizations must be in good standing with the library to reserve the Friends of the Library Community Room. Anyone who owes in excess of $10.00 on a library account must pay all fines/fees due before the room can be reserved.

H. The Friends of the Library Community Room is available by reservation to individuals or groups from Henry County or groups who are providing services to residents of Henry County. Any group or individual using the Friends of the Library Community Room to host a for-profit event must pay a $50.00 rental fee. 

I. Library staff will not handle telephone calls or messages for anyone using the room.

J. The name or address of the library cannot be used as the official address by any user. The Henry County Library cannot be used in any advertisement without the consent of the Director/Administrative Assistant.

K. The use of any type of tobacco, illicit drugs, marijuana and its derivatives, alcohol, or vaping is not allowed in the room or anywhere on library property at any time.

L. Reservations for the room must include the event and the name and phone number of the person responsible. Valid photo ID will be required when the key is picked up. The key will only be given to the person responsible.

M. If the room is being reserved for a public event, an age recommendation must be assigned for the stated purpose of the meeting. Failure to advertise the age recommendation as required by Secretary of State rule 15 CSR 30-200.015 will result in the group being prohibited from any future use of the room.

N. The person responsible will be charged for any damage to the room and/or its contents.

O. Users must not attach anything to the walls, floor, ceiling, light fixtures, or pictures. Including but not limited to tacks, staples, glue, stickers, tape, or any adhesives.

P. Users may not remove pictures or other permanent fixtures.

Q. The thermostat is set at the most energy efficient level and locked. If an individual/organization wishes to change the thermostat, they must ask a library staff member to do so. Changing of the library thermostat by anyone other than a library staff member is strictly prohibited and will result in forfeiture of the $50.00 deposit and the loss of reserving the room in the future.

R. A $50.00 cash or check deposit will be required for the room. After the walk-through, the deposit will be returned if room and contents have been cleaned, the doors locked, key is returned, and everything is found in acceptable condition. Any damages will result in forfeiture of deposit, and you will be charged the cost to repair all damages.

S. If the room is used after business hours the key must be returned in the bag provided through the book drop and the responsible party will pick up the deposit the next day the library is open for business.

T. There is a $10.00 per day late charge for not returning the key immediately after use.

U.  The $50.00 room deposit will be refunded provided the following conditions are met:

1.    The chairs must be stacked, but no more than 5 high.

2.    All tables must be cleaned, folded, and put away neatly.

3.    The floor must be swept.

4.    The toilet must be flushed.

5.    Kitchen (including appliances used) left clean. (Bathroom and kitchen cleaners are under kitchen sink.)

6.    All trash receptacles need taken to the dumpster and emptied.

V. Storage facilities will not be provided to any organization.

W. The Director/Administrative Assistant is authorized to deny permission to use the room to any group that is disorderly, objectionable in any way, or violates these regulations, including failure to return the key as scheduled.

Independent Study Rooms and Quiet RoomThere are five (5) Independent Study Rooms and one larger Quiet Room. The following rules apply for their use:

A. Limited to two (2) hours if there is a wait for the room.

B. Limited to two (2) patrons per room.

C. Doors to the Independent Study Rooms are to be kept open unless the room(s) is/are in use. The door to the Quiet Room is to be kept open unless the room is in use.

D. Loud noise that may disturb other patrons shall be prohibited in the Quiet Room.

Computer LabThe following rules apply to use of the computer lab:

A. Henry County Library cardholders with an account in good standing may log in with a valid library card number to access a public computer. There is a two (2) hour daily time limit per library card on all computers in both the Clinton and Windsor facilities. A patron may request an extension of the daily time limit provided there are computer stations available for other users.

B. A one-time use computer guest pass may be purchased for $1.00 at the Circulation Desk. Computer guest passes are valid for two (2) hours. Individuals must present a valid photo ID to obtain a pass and may not be a Henry County Library cardholder or Henry County resident. Henry County residents must obtain a library card to access the computer lab. 

C. Patrons must login with their own library card number (guardians may not access the computers with a minor’s card number). Any patron who logs in with a library card number other than their own may be banned from using the computer lab on a temporary basis. Further infractions may result in a permanent ban from the use of public computers.

D. Computer station PATRON ADA in the Clinton facility is equipped with an ADA-compliant touchscreen monitor.

E. A parent or guardian must accompany children under ten (10) years of age.

F. The maximum number of people allowed to use any public computer is two (2).

G. Computers shall not be used for the viewing of pornographic materials or any purpose that is otherwise inconsistent with the local, state, or federal laws. Patrons violating the same shall be suspended from computer use/banned from the library.

H. All printing from the computer lab is sent to a shared printer in the circulation area and must be done on plain paper only.

PUBLIC POSTINGS, FREE MATERIALS, PETITIONING, And POLITICAL CAMPAIGNINGThe posting of announcements must be confined to the area designated specifically for that purpose. The library will accept materials for civic and cultural events and meetings. The library does not post material relating to activities undertaken for individual or commercial profit, nor does it post personal or political campaign literature. The library reserves the right to refuse to post materials.

The library displays free materials for the public from non-profit organizations. Free materials are to be of an informational nature and not designated to promote individual gain or profit. The library will not allow personal, religious, or political campaign literature. The library reserves the right to refuse any free materials.

Petitioners, and those distributing literature, may stand outside the library building on Henry County Library property in areas designated by staff, away from entrances, but may not impede traffic or pursue patrons. Petitioners must check in with the library before engaging in any petitioning activities.

The Henry County Library is a non-partisan organization. Political campaigning is prohibited on all library property, including the Friends of the Library Community Room.

PERSONAL CHECKS AND CREDIT CARDSPersonal checks will be accepted from patrons for payment of library fees and fines and must include a valid driver’s license number, current address, and phone number.

A. No two (2) party checks will be accepted.

B. A $20.00 service charge will be assessed for all returned checks.

Debit and credit cards will be accepted from patrons for payment of library fees or fines.

A. No charges will be accepted for less than $1.00.

B. All charges will be for the exact amount owed. There will be no cash back.

LIBRARY USER BEHAVIORAll library patrons are expected to respect the following policies while on library property. Any staff member may ask a library patron to comply with these policies.  If the patron does not comply, he/she may be asked to exit the premises.  The Director retains the right to ban a patron from the property in the event of perpetual disregard of these policies.

A. The Library is to be used for library-related purposes only, except as defined in the Friends Room policy.

B. Library property is to be respected at all times. Patrons will be held financially responsible for vandalism or damage to library property.

C. Violent, lewd, or disorderly conduct is not permitted on library property.

D. Loud talking, yelling, or abusive language is not permitted anywhere on library property.  

E. Any behavior that is disruptive or restricts other patrons’ or the staff’s use of the library is prohibited.

F. Aimless/restless roaming that is disruptive to other patrons or staff is not permitted anywhere on library property.

G. There shall be no food or drink in areas where electronic equipment is in use.

H. No use of any type of tobacco, illicit drugs, marijuana and its derivatives, alcohol, or vaping is permitted on library property.

I. Service animals are the only animals permitted in the building. Service animals must be controlled by the owner at all times. Exceptions to this rule are made at the discretion of the Director. 

J. Children in the library for any extended period of time are to be accompanied by an adult. Playground behavior is not appropriate in the library building. The library assumes no responsibility for the care or supervision of children. Parents may not leave children under the age of twelve (12) unattended in the library. Library staff may take action they deem appropriate and necessary to provide for the welfare and safety of an unattended child.

K. Any person left at the library at the time of closing will be asked to vacate the building.  Any unattended child under the age of twelve (12) will be considered abandoned, and the library staff will contact the police to take custody of the child. At no time will library staff transport children or be held responsible for them.

L. Cell phones are to be kept on vibrate in the library. Cell phones are to be used in a respectful manner in the library.

LIBRARY SERVICESThe Henry County Library provides the following services for the fees listed:

A. Printing/Copying: 8 ½ x 11 = $0.10 per black and white single-sided print,  $0.30 per color, single-sided print; 8 ½ x 14 = $0.15 per black and white single-sided print, $0.45 per color, single-sided print; 11 x 17 = $0.20 per black and white single-sided print, $0.60 per color, single-sided print.  Patron’s may provide their own card stock or colored paper for special printing needs, however, the use of patron provided transfer paper, labels, stickers, etc. is prohibited due to the possibility of damage to the equipment. Only plain paper printing is allowed on the shared printer located in the circulation area.

B. Faxing: $1.00 per page (sending only). The library does not receive incoming faxes for patrons due to privacy constraints.

C. Laminating:  Wallet Size = $0.25, 3 ½ x 5 ½ = $0.50, 8 ½ x 11 = $1.00, 11 x 14 = $1.50

D. Large Format Printing: Large format printing costs vary from print to print. Regular Paper: black and white = $2.50 per ft., color = $5.00 per ft.; Photo Paper:  black and white = $5.00 per ft., color $7.50 per ft.

E. Newspaper/Genealogy Requests: $10.00 per item looked up (based on 2-hour research limit) via Henry County Library microfilm. Patrons who wish for the results to be sent via standard mail will be charged an additional amount for postage unless a self-addressed stamped envelope is provided. There is no additional charge for emailing the results. The library will process requests within 2 – 4 weeks of the date received.

F. The Henry County Library provides test proctoring for a fee of $10.00 per test. Patrons must contact the library in advance to schedule a time and date for proctoring. Test proctoring is scheduled based on staff availability. It is the student’s responsibility to notify their institution of the proctoring and to coordinate the sending of relevant testing materials from the school to the library.

G. Public notary service is provided free of charge at the Henry County Library in Clinton. Patrons are urged to call in advance and schedule an appointment. The Henry County Library cannot guarantee that a public notary will be available during all hours that the library is open.

H. The Henry County Library in Clinton provides passport services for a $35.00 execution fee.  Patrons must call in advance to make an appointment. Passport services will be scheduled based on agent availability during the following hours:  Mondays and Fridays: 9:00 am – 3:30 pm; Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays: 9:00 am – 4:30 pm; Saturday appointments vary based on passport agent availability.

VOLUNTEERS1. Volunteer Eligibility. The Henry County Library accepts volunteers from the local community to assist with library tasks and programs. Student volunteers completing community service hours for school-related activities within Henry County will also be accepted. The library will not accept volunteers completing court-ordered community service hours. To become a volunteer an individual must meet the following requirements:

A. Must be 16 years of age or older.

B. Must fill out a volunteer application form. Volunteers will be selected at the discretion of the Director.

C. Must complete a background check if age 18 or older.

2. Volunteering Availability. Volunteer hours are available on an as-needed basis. The Henry County Library cannot guarantee that individuals will receive a certain number of volunteer hours, if any, during any given time period.

3. Assigned Tasks. Various library tasks are available to volunteers. The Henry County Library will strive to match volunteers with preferred tasks, but the library cannot guarantee that preferred tasks will always be available. The library assigns tasks based on the current needs of the library.

4. Volunteer Compliance. All volunteers must comply with the following guidelines while on duty at the library:

A. Volunteers are responsible for recording time and hours worked appropriately.

B. Volunteers should adhere to the library dress code and conduct themselves in a professional manner.

C. Volunteers will not be directly involved in performing duties at the Circulation desk. However, volunteers are expected to keep all information confidential regarding library patrons and staff members.

D. Volunteers are responsible for notifying the library when unable to work when scheduled.

E. Volunteers shall complete assigned tasks in a satisfactory manner.

F. Volunteers must be polite and courteous to all library patrons and staff members.

G. Volunteers should ask questions when unsure of assigned duties.

H. Volunteers must be a positive presence in the library.

LIBRARY CARD ISSUANCEAll residents of the Henry County Library taxing district or anyone who pays property taxes in Henry County is eligible for a library card. The following rules apply to the issuance of library cards:

A. Anyone desiring a library card who is 18 years of age or older must provide a valid photo ID (such as a driver’s license, military ID, or school ID) and proof of current residency in the Henry County taxing district or proof of ownership of property in Henry County. Two (2) proofs of residency must be presented if the address on the photo ID shown is not current.  Library cards must be renewed in person annually at the circulation desk at either location or at the drive-thru window in Clinton. Residency requirements are waived for renewals with the exception of an address change that causes the patron to fall within another taxing district.

B. Anyone who is not a resident or does not own property in Henry County may purchase an Out of District User (ODU) card for $15.00 per year. A valid photo ID and proof of current residency must be presented.  Out of District Users cards must be renewed in person on an annual basis following the criteria listed in Section A. 

C. Temporary cards may be purchased for $2.00 per month, not to exceed three (3) months. Temporary cards are restricted to a four (4) item checkout limit. A valid photo ID and proof of temporary residency in Henry County must be provided to obtain a card.

D. The requirement to present a photo ID to obtain a library card will be waived for Amish patrons and any group with a religious exemption for photo identification requirements.  

E. Guest passes for one (1) time computer use are issued for $1.00. Guest passes are valid for two (2) hours. A valid photo ID must be presented. A guest pass will not be issued to any Henry County Library cardholder or Henry County resident. Henry County residents must obtain a library card to access the computer lab. 

F. Institutional/School cards may be issued at the discretion of the Director upon completion of an Institutional Card Library Application. A photo ID must be presented by the person responsible for possessing the card. Normal checkout limits and/or checkout periods may be reduced or extended as determined by the Director. Institutional cards must be renewed in person on an annual basis following the criteria listed in Section A.

H. A minor, defined as anyone who is five (5) through seventeen (17) years of age, may obtain a library card provided that a parent or legal guardian signs the Parent/Guardian Consent for Library Use by a Minor. By signing the consent, the parent/legal guardian acknowledges that the minor is allowed to check out any materials within the library without restriction and that the Henry County Library staff is not responsible for their selections. The parent/legal guardian must also provide a photo ID and proof of residency or property ownership in the Henry County taxing district as outlined above or have a library card in good standing. Additionally, the parent/legal guardian must sign an agreement stating: “You must present your library card when checking out all materials and for internet access.  You are responsible for all materials borrowed with your library card. You are responsible for all fines and fees incurred for overdue, lost, or damaged materials borrowed with your library card. You are required to notify the library of the loss of your library card or any change of address.” The parent/legal guardian is responsible for determining whether a minor aged 10 – 17 may access the public computers at the library. Minor cards must be renewed in person with the guardian present on an annual basis following the criteria listed in Section A.

I. All Minor cards will be linked to the cards of their parent/legal guardian if the parent/legal guardian has a library card.

J. An emancipated minor must provide legal documentation verifying the emancipation to obtain a library card.

K. Mid-Continent reciprocal cards may be issued to Mid-Continent Public Library cardholders who are verified to be in good standing. A photo ID and proof of residency must be presented. The $15.00 Out of District User fee will be waived for Mid-Continent reciprocal cardholders. Mid-Continent reciprocal cards may be renewed in person on an annual basis following the criteria listed in Section A provided the Mid-Continent Public Library account remains in good standing as verified by library staff.

L. The cost for the replacement of a library card will be $1.00.

M. Each new library cardholder will receive an informational New Patron Packet.

N. The cardholder must sign an agreement stating: “You must present your library card when checking out all materials and for internet access. You are responsible for all materials borrowed with your library card. You are responsible for all fines and fees incurred for overdue, lost, or damaged materials borrowed with your library card. You are required to notify the library of the loss of your library card or any change of address.” 

O. Patron information may be shared when required by law but otherwise shall not be shared or disseminated by the library.

BOOK EXPRESS PATRONSThe Henry County Library seeks to provide access to materials to patrons who are unable to come to the library in person by providing the Book Express program for homebound patrons. Any patron wishing to enter the Book Express program must contact the library and fill out a Book Express Application Form.

Policy pertaining to circulation shall be as follows:

A. Circulation period will be for one (1) month. Items may be renewed up to three (3) times as long as the items are not on reserve for another patron. The renewal period is three (3) weeks.

B. The check-out limit shall be ten (10) items.

C. The patron is responsible for renewal of materials, overdue fines, and damaged or lost materials.

D. Only materials with the standard three (3) week circulation period will be available for check out.

E. All borrowed materials must be returned before the next group of materials can be picked up. Returns can be made at the time of pick-up.

F. The Henry County Library is NOT responsible for patron approval of language, subject matter, etc. of materials chosen on a patron’s behalf.

G. If any individuals or an organization are picking up items for the patron, the patron must list the name(s) of the individual(s) or organization on their library card account or give verbal consent for the individual(s) or organization to pick up materials on their behalf.

H. The Henry County Library will utilize the company vehicle to deliver/pick-up materials to homebound patrons within Henry County who have completed a Book Express Application Form. Delivery/pick-up will be designated to one (1) day per week. Patrons must contact the library to have items picked up for return.

CHECKOUT LIMITS AND TIMESCheck-out limits for materials shall be as follows:

A. The standard checkout limit for each patron is fifty (50) items. 

B. Guardians may put a check-out limit on the cards of their minors. If no check-out limit is given, then the minor will have the standard check-out limits of an adult card. 

Check-out times for materials shall be as follows:

A. Standard Print Materials, Audiobooks, Playaway Devices, Jigsaw Puzzles, Cake Pans, Fishing Rods, Bookpacks, and Wonderbooks have a three (3) week checkout period and can be renewed up to three (3) times as long as there are no holds on the item.

B. Hotspots, Launchpads, and Launchpad Videos have a one (1) week check-out period and may not be renewed. Hotspots, Launchpads, and Launchpad Videos will not be reserved for any patron.

C. A combined maximum of three (3) Juvenile Bookpacks, Wonderbooks, Launchpads, or Launchpad Videos may be checked out to any one patron at a time. A patron may not check out three (3) of the same items.

 D. A maximum of ten (10) DVDs may be checked out at a time.  DVDs have a three (3) week checkout period and can be renewed up to three (3) times.

E. Check-out periods for Interlibrary Loan materials and Book Club books are determined by the owning library. Requests for renewals of these materials must be made with the Interlibrary Loan clerk at least five (5) days in advance of the item due date.

F. The paperback books in the paperback collection are free to take and do not require a library card for check out and have no check-out limit. Patrons are requested to tell staff how many paperback books they take at a time. Patrons are encouraged to return these books but are not required to do so.

OVERDUE MATERIALS, FINES, FEES, AND REFUNDSOverdue charges are as follows:

A. The fine for Standard Print Materials, Audiobooks, Playaway Devices, DVDs, Jigsaw Puzzles, Cake Pans, Fishing Rods, Bookpacks, and Wonderbooks shall be $0.05 per day (excluding Sundays, library holidays, and any other days the library is closed) with a maximum fine of $1.00 per item.  

B. All materials listed under A. have a three-day grace period to be returned. Fines become retroactive and begin to accrue on the fourth (4) day overdue.

C. The fine for hotspots, Launchpads, and Launchpad Videos shall be $1.00 per day (excluding Sundays, library holidays, and any other days the library is closed) with a maximum fine of $10.00 per item. 

D. Patron accounts that have fines or fees of $10.00 or more will have all library privileges suspended until the fines and fees are paid below $10.00. If the patron is notified in writing, all charges must be paid in full before account privileges are reinstated.

E. If a group account member accrues fines and/or fees of $10.00 or more then both the minor’s and the guardian’s accounts will be suspended until fines and fees on the entire group account are paid below $10.00, or in the case of a letter being sent all charges are paid in full.

Overdue notifications are made using the following method:

A. E-mail and text notifications of holds and overdue materials are available to patrons. E-mails and texts are sent to patrons when requested materials arrive at the library and when materials are overdue. Because of the library’s privacy policy, the library will not use e-mail or text to notify patrons without their consent.  

A. A patron will be notified via green postcard when an item is two (2) weeks overdue. If the material is not returned a second notice via pink postcard will be given when the material is four (4) weeks overdue.

B. When the item is six (6) weeks overdue, notification will be made by first class letter to the address listed on the library card application stating the following: “As of the date of this letter, all library privileges will be suspended until the overdue items are returned and all fines paid in full or the materials are paid for in full.”

C. If overdue fines and fees of $25.00 or more are not paid within (90) days of the item’s due date, the patron’s account information will be transmitted to a collection agency for debt recovery.

Item refunds are handled as follows:

A. If an item that was lost and has been paid for is found by the patron within three (3) months of the payment date, the patron will be refunded the full cost of the item.

B. The patron must present their Lost Item Receipt to receive a refund.

C. Processing fees are non-refundable.

D. A Lost Item Refund Request must be completed by the staff and submitted to the Director for a refund to be issued.  Refunds will be processed with the next semi-monthly payment cycle.

INTERLIBRARY LOAN/MISSOURI EVERGREEN MATERIALSThe Henry County Library may borrow items not owned by the library to patrons through Interlibrary Loan Service and the Missouri Evergreen Consortium.

A patron who has overdue Interlibrary Loan Materials will be notified daily via phone or e-mail for up to five (5) business days based on the stated preference on their account, and via U.S. mail thereafter. Patrons with a history of chronic overdue materials may lose their Interlibrary Loan Privileges at the discretion of the Director.

The due date of Interlibrary Loan Materials will be determined by the owning library. An item may be renewed with the Interlibrary Loan Specialist obtaining approval from the owning library at least five (5) days prior to the item’s due date. Fines of $5.00 per day will be assessed for each overdue item up to a maximum of $50.00 per item. A maximum of five (5) Interlibrary Loan Materials may be checked out per patron at one time.  

Items borrowed through the Missouri Evergreen Consortium will have the same checkout dates and times as Henry County Library materials and will follow the same fee policies. 

ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENTElectronic equipment is available for checkout and in-library use. Electronic equipment includes: Hotspots, Launchpads, and Launchpad Videos.

A. Equipment is checked out for a seven (7) day period.

B. Only one (1) Hotspot may be checked out on any one (1) account at a time.

C. A combination of up to three (3) Launchpads, Launchpad Videos, Bookpacks, and Wonderbooks may be checked out on any one (1) account at a time.

C. Overdue fines are $1.00 per day up to a maximum of $10.00 per item.

D. The library will supply all materials needed to run the equipment.

E. Electronic equipment may NOT be reserved or renewed.

F. Patrons are responsible for returning all equipment components and may be billed for any missing parts, damages, or non-returned items. A $5.00 processing fee will be charged for any electronic equipment that is not returned to the library.

Hotspots will be handled in the following manner:

A. Hotspots will remain in the library’s possession for a period of twenty-four (24) hours before the next checkout is allowed.

B. A patron must wait a period of twenty-four (24) hours after returning a Hotspot before another Hotspot checkout is allowed. This waiting period also applies to patrons living within the same household. 

A. Patron will be contacted within 24 hours of a Hotspot being overdue.

B. Wi-Fi coverage of the Hotspot will be turned off if the device has not been returned within twenty-four (24) hours of the initial contact.

C. Patrons will be billed for the Hotspot if it is not returned within ninety (90) days of the due date.

D. If a Hotspot is returned late, the responsible patron will have their ability to check-out Hotspots suspended for three (3) months. If a second violation occurs the patron’s Hotspot privileges will be revoked for six (6) months. If a third violation occurs the patron will no longer be allowed to check out Hotspots. Reinstatement of Hotspot privileges is at the discretion of the Director.

E. If the service of a Hotspot is suspended due to late return, the patron will be banned from checking out Hotspots indefinitely. Reinstatement of hotspot privileges is at the discretion of the Director.

F. The library reserves the right to suspend the Hotspot privileges of any patron abuses these privileges.

BRANCH LIBRARY GUIDELINESPetitioning to join the library district. The Board of Trustees of a city library or at least 5% of the registered voters in any public library district (within Henry County) may petition the Henry County Library Board of Trustees in writing to become a part of the county library district. The petitioning district may be admitted into the library district upon majority vote of the board of trustees of the county library district at the prevailing tax rate of the county district. RSMo 182.660.

Guidelines for new branches:

A. Community size: a population of at least 2,500 people is considered the minimum size for the establishment of a branch library. In addition, the community must show evidence of commercial and trade activities, which are indicators of the ability to attract people from the surrounding area.

B. No branch will be established within ten (10) miles of an existing point of service.

C. A new branch will come under the administration of the Henry County Library Board of Trustees.

D. The Henry County Library Board District accepts ownership of the building and repairs of the facility.

E. Staff will be hired, and the Henry County Library District will provide the necessary training so that staff can offer services to the public.

F. The purchase of books and library materials will become the responsibility of the Henry County Library.

G. All supplies and equipment needed to operate will become the responsibility of and be owned by the Henry County Library.

Requirements for a physical facility:

A. A community desiring a branch library must provide the Henry County Library District with a building from which to operate. This building must be in compliance with federal, state, and local laws. This includes: fire, safety, sanitation, handicapped accessibility, energy conservation, and adequate to carry out the Henry County Library district’s service plans.

B. Wiring in the building must meet local codes and provide sufficient access for electronic equipment and telecommunications.

C. Adequate parking must be available, and the facility must be secure.

INTERNET USEThe internet usage guidelines are as follows:

A. Access to the internet through the Henry County Library must be used in a responsible manner, respecting the rights of others, and taking care with use of the equipment. The settings of the computer and internet shall be set by the library and shall not be changed by any patron for any reason. Computers may not be used for any fraudulent or unlawful purpose, including any activities prohibited under any applicable federal, state, or local laws. Accessing and displaying pornography and/or obscene materials is prohibited, and any patron found in violation will have all library privileges suspended indefinitely.  Reinstatement of library privileges is at the discretion of the Director.

B. All internet resources accessible through the Henry County Library are provided equally to all library users. Parents and guardians are responsible for the internet information selected and/or accessed by their children. Parents/guardians-and only parents/guardians-may restrict their children-and only their children-from access to internet resources accessible through the Henry County Library. All minors under the age of ten (10) must be accompanied by their parent/guardian to access the internet. Parents/guardians are required to supervise their children’s internet sessions. The Henry County Library does not monitor and has no control over the information accessed through the internet.

C. All computers within the library, including staff computers, are filtered for pornographic and sexually explicit websites in accordance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA). Filtering software is not guaranteed to protect a child from access to information that a parent/guardian finds inappropriate.

D. The library cannot guarantee that public computers will have all current software required for the various uses patrons may have. All library computers have antivirus software installed, however, the library cannot guarantee that all malware and viruses will be blocked. It is a patron’s responsibility to protect their data and information while using library computers. The library does not backup or save user data. It is the sole responsibility of patrons to save their own data or work. Failure to do so may result in a total loss of data and patrons assume the same risk.

E. The library’s software program performs a second internet sweep after-hours daily to delete all previous browser and data history.

WIRELESS ACCESS (WI-FI)Wireless internet access (Wi-Fi) is provided free of charge by the Henry County Library. Use of this service is governed by the Henry County Library’s Internet Use policy. 

A. Users are responsible for setting up their equipment to access the Henry County Library’s Wi-Fi network. Library staff can provide general information to assist with connecting to the Wi-Fi network. Library staff will not provide technical assistance and will not assume any responsibility for personal hardware, configurations, security, or changes to data files resulting from connection to the library’s Wi-Fi network. It is recommended that users make a backup copy of any settings changed before configuring their equipment for use on the library’s Wi-Fi network.

B. All Wi-Fi users should have up-to-date antivirus software installed on their computers.

C. As with most public Wi-Fi networks, the Henry County Library’s wireless network is not secure. Any information transmitted (including credit card numbers, passwords, and other sensitive information) could potentially be intercepted by another user.

D. The library’s Wi-Fi network is subject to periodic maintenance and unforeseen downtime.

E. The library’s Wi-Fi network may not be used for any fraudulent or unlawful purpose, including any activities prohibited under any applicable federal, state, or local laws. Accessing and displaying pornography and/or obscene materials is prohibited, and any patron found in violation will have all library privileges suspended indefinitely.  Reinstatement of library privileges is at the discretion of the Director.

F. The library’s wireless internet is filtered for pornographic and sexually explicit websites in accordance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA). Filtering software is not guaranteed to protect a child from access to information that a parent/guardian finds inappropriate.

G. The library assumes no responsibility for damage to or loss of equipment. Users must keep their equipment with them at all times.

PHOTOGRAPHY AND RECORDINGThe Henry County Library permits filming and photography under the conditions described herein only to the extent that it does not interfere with the operations, programs, and activities of the library and is consistent with the library’s mission.  All parties involved in filming and photography are expected to follow the Henry County Library User Behavior Policy.

A.   Classes or events sponsored by the Henry County Library may be photographed or video recorded by library staff. Attendance at a Henry County Library sponsored class or event constitutes the consent of all attendees, and the consent of the parents or legal guardians of any minor children in attendance, to the future broadcast, publication, posting on our website or Facebook page, or other use of photographs or videos at the sole discretion of the Henry County Library. Photos, images, and videos submitted to the library by users for online galleries or contests may also be used by the library for promotional purposes. To ensure the privacy of all individuals, including children, images will not be identified using full names or personal identifying information.

B.    Casual amateur photography, filming, and videotaping is permitted in the lobby, study, and program areas of the library for patrons and visitors wanting a remembrance of their visit, provided that the photography does not interfere in any way with library operations or capture any identifiable likenesses of individuals without their permission. Except as otherwise noted in paragraph D by the library itself, in no circumstances may anyone take a photo or film a library patron without the consent of the patron, or their parent/guardian, if a minor. Any such photographers are responsible for arranging all necessary releases and permissions from persons who are filmed or photographed. The library undertakes no responsibility for obtaining these releases. Presence in the library is not consent on behalf of patrons for use of their image or likeness by any third party. Failure to obtain releases and permissions granted from persons being filmed or photographed will be deemed unacceptable behavior for the purposes of enforcing the Henry County Library User Behavior policy.

C.   The use of additional equipment such as lighting is not permitted.

D.    No commercial or media photography or filming may occur in the Henry County Library without the prior permission and approval of the library director. The library does not grant permission for news media to use its facilities for stories or projects that do not relate to the library itself; the library disallows using library facilities as interview venues for unrelated stories and disallows access to library patrons for opinion polls or interviews within its facilities.

E.    The library permits photography and filming of its premises and activities when the use of such involves the library directly, i.e. books, articles, or videos about the library itself, the library’s positions as a learning destination, or as part of a piece used to describe Henry County. Authorization must be obtained in advance from the library’s Director.

F.    The library permits research photography of its materials and resources within certain limitations. Researchers and journalists are responsible for obtaining their own permissions when photographing copyrighted material in the library. The library undertakes no responsibility for obtaining these permissions.

G.  Groups reserving the Friends of the Library Room may arrange for photographers during their event. Filming and photography for such events is restricted to the space reserved by the group and may not take place in other areas of the library without advance authorization of the library’s Director.

H.   Library staff shall terminate any photo session that violates library policies or appears to compromise public safety, patron confidentiality, or security. Termination may occur at any time that the activities become basically incompatible with the normal activity of the library’s use, safety, and function.

I.      Any consent granted pursuant to this policy to permit photography or filming may be revoked at any time upon failure to comply with terms of the policy or other rules and regulations of the Henry County Library.

LIBRARY PROGRAMMING, FACILITY USE, AND DISPLAY POLICYSome programs may be designed with specific audiences in mind, i.e., Children’s (ages birth – 5), Juvenile (ages 6 – 11), Young Adult (ages 12 – 17), and Adult only (ages 18+) programs.  Programs targeted toward specific audiences will be publicized as such.

Every attempt will be made to accommodate all who wish to attend a program, including patrons with special needs. However, when safety or the nature of the program requires it, attendance may be limited. When limits must be enforced, attendance will be determined on a first-come, first-serve basis by pre-registration. The Friends of the Library Community Room has a posted capacity of 50 as determined by the Clinton Fire Department.

Acceptance of a program topic by the library does not constitute an endorsement by the library of the group’s or individual’s policies or beliefs. Programs endorsed by the library will be marked as a library program in publicity.

Unsolicited offers, including author events, from individuals or organizations to present programs will be evaluated by the same standards used by staff when planning library endorsed programs. All programs will be pre-approved by the Director.

Where necessary, a performer may be asked to provide a copy of his/her certificate of insurance and a Form W-9 for tax purposes. Programs must be done for a non-profit or community service purpose. Library policy prohibits any solicitation for services or the sale of products while on library property unless explicitly approved by the Director.  This excludes any individual or group who has paid a $50.00 rental fee to use the Friends of the Library Community Room to host a for-profit event, and the use of the library facilities to hold the Friends of the Library Group’s semi-annual book sales and any other Friends of the Library Group fundraisers.

All Library policies and procedures must be followed.

Programs must not interfere with normal library operations.

The Henry County Library prohibits the use of any type of tobacco, illicit drugs, marijuana and its derivatives, alcohol, or vaping anywhere on library property at any time.

Each display in the Henry County Library shall only include material classified for one age group: Children, Juvenile, Young Adult, or Adult. Only materials classified for children are to be displayed in the Children’s area of the library. Materials suitable for display in designated library areas are labeled as follows:

Children’s area: Easies = jE or JPB, Er, JWB, JBP, JLP, JLPV, j DVD or J DVD

Juvenile = JWB, JBP, JLP, JLPV, j DVD or J DVD, Rec j or Rec j [Fic] or REC J FIC, j Fic or j [Fic] or J FIC, JGN, j (Dewey Number) or J (Dewey Number), Juvenile magazines

Young Adult area: y Fic or Y FIC, Rec y Fic, Rec y (Dewey Number), YGN, Young Adult magazines

Adult area: CP, JP, DVD, Rec Fic or REC FIC, Rec (Dewey Number), (Dewey Number), GN, Fic or FIC, LP Fic or LP FIC, LP (Dewey Number)

Reference Area: Ref, magazines, newspapers

The LED sign is used for the display of Henry County Library activities, announcements, and events only. The Director is responsible for monthly updates and monitoring the use language. Under no circumstance is the public or any other organization given access to the sign.

LOST AND FOUNDLost and found items will be kept at the Circulation desk for one (1) month/thirty (30) days. Library staff will attempt to contact property owners if known. Items that have not been claimed after one (1) month will be discarded or given to charity. Money found on library property must be turned in to the Director/Administrative Assistant. After one (1) month, unclaimed cash will be entered as miscellaneous revenue. Items or cash valued at more than $100 will be sent to the state treasurer’s office.


The Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C.A. Sec. 552) of 1967 and the Missouri Sunshine Law of 1973 makes information held by governmental bodies available to the public unless it falls under a category of matters exempt from public disclosure. Anyone requesting such information from the library must do so in writing and may pick up the documents or have them mailed or emailed to them. Fees for copying of documents (.10/page) and applicable postage will be charged to the requestor. If the documents are emailed to the requestor, no charges will apply.

B. Policy and Procedures in Response to the USA Patriot Act of 2001

The Henry County Library supports the efforts of our government to protect the country from terrorist acts and preserve our freedom and security. As a public library, we face the dilemma of having the responsibility of protecting the privacy of our patrons while responding to legitimate national security concerns. The library recognizes the confidentiality of patron and circulation records and also respects the right of library users to privacy and confidentiality in their use of internet computers. However, in matters of national security concerns, federal law (specifically, the Patriot Act) can supersede state law.

The Henry County Library strives to create a library environment that is:

∙ A safe and crime free place

∙ A place for learning and pursuit of knowledge and information on any topic

∙ A place where patrons can ask any question and discuss any topic

The library will do its utmost to uphold the privacy and confidentiality of patrons’ free access to information. The library will rely on existing laws and library policies to control behavior that involves public safety or criminal behavior.

C. Confidentiality of Patron Records

The law prohibits disclosure of any part of a patron record to all third parties. We are bound to withhold library record information to any person other than the patron whose name appears on the record or the person liable for payment/return of the materials (parent/adult guardian who signed the library card application).


1. By signed waiver form by the library card account holder

2. Parental waiver for minor children

3. Court order as per the USA Patriot Act

4. Court ordered subpoena

Two waiver forms include:

1. Adults authorizing their children

2. Adults authorizing other adults (including spouse)

D. Privacy Policy

It is the policy of the Henry County Library to preserve the confidentiality and privacy of the circulation records of its patrons to the fullest extent permitted by law. To that end, the circulation records of the library shall be released or disclosed only as provided for in this policy or otherwise required by law.

DIGITAL VIDEO SURVEILLANCE POLICYThe purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for the placement and use of digital video cameras (“Cameras”), as well as the access, use, and retrieval of recorded digital video images (“Video Records”) at the Henry County Library. Security cameras will be used where needed to discourage violations of the Library User Behavior policy, to assist library staff in preventing the recurrence of any violations, and for the safety and security of library staff, patrons, assets, property, and library operations.

Cameras may be installed in locations where staff and patrons would not have an expectation of privacy. Examples include common areas of the library such as entrances, near book and media collections, public seating, and parking lots.

Cameras will not be installed in areas where staff and the public have a reasonable expectation of privacy, such as restrooms.

Operational Guidelines:

· Cameras are installed in selected indoor and outdoor locations around the building.

· Camera locations shall not be changed or added without the consent of the Director.

· Signage is posted at library entrances informing the public that cameras are in use.

· Staff and patron safety is the first priority in any threatening situation. The protection of library property from vandalism or theft is of secondary importance. Cameras will not be installed for the express purpose of monitoring staff performance.

· Selected staff will have access to the real-time monitors, although activity may be randomly monitored.

· Video Records are stored on the surveillance back-up drive for a minimum of 30 days and shall be kept in a secure manner and managed appropriately by authorized personnel to protect legal obligations and evidentiary values.

· No Video Records will be manually deleted.

· Selected Video Records may be saved indefinity on media separate from the surveillance DVR.

Access to Video Records:

· Only the Director, Administrative Assistant, or contracted IT Personnel are authorized to access Video Records or operate the video security system. Authorized employees and/or service providers shall not violate any laws relevant to this policy (including, but not limited to, Section 565.250 RSMo. et seq., 18 U.S.C. § 1801 and Missouri common laws pertaining to privacy rights) in performing their duties and functions related to the video security system.
· All stored images and data Video Records are considered library records. The Director may produce a copy of Video Records at the request of law enforcement or as directed by a court order or subpoena. Such requests are immediately acted upon by the Director as outlined in RSMo Section 182.817 (2).

· Library staff shall refer all inquiries to the Director or Administrative Assistant.

· Staff shall make no comments as to Video Records.

Use of Video Records:

· Video records of incidents can be retained and reviewed as long as considered necessary by the Director.

· Video records may be used by Henry County Library to identify the person(s) responsible for library policy violations, criminal activity, or actions considered disruptive to normal library operations.

· Video records may be shared with authorized employees or other library staff, upon authorization by the Director, in order to identify person(s) suspended from Henry County Library property and to maintain a safe, secure, and policy-compliant environment.

· Video records shall not be used or disclosed other than as specifically authorized by this policy.

Henry County Library

123 E Green St.

Clinton, MO 64735

Phone: 660-885-2612

Lenora Blackmore Branch

105 W Benton St.

Windsor, MO 65360

Phone: 660-647-2298



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